

So, I'm a baker.  I think I mentioned that.  I am really lucky to have a career that I love, but sometimes when I bake all day long the last thing I want to do is come home and bake some more.  Maybe I'm not dedicated enough, but mostly I don't want to clean up after I've made a mess in my dollhouse sized kitchen.  Chocolate chip cookie dough is probably the only thing I churn out on a regular basis.

But, I've been on a work hiatus a little while and my creative juices are flowing again.  I have time to read blogs, magazines and the giant pile of cookbooks that need a home in my home (I'm looking for the perfect bookcase).   

The other day after eating a really gross, stale doughnut from Dunkin, I decided I wanted to make fresh, warm, homemade doughnuts.  Not trying to reinvent the wheel or anything, just a classic yeast doughnut.  Enter the Pioneer Woman's Doughnuts.  Oh goodness, these are so delicious!  They are light in texture and someone could easily eat about six (while I was well behaved, I saw it happen). 

The trick to great doughnuts is working quickly and giving them your undivided attention. If you let them over proof or walk away why frying you risk ruining the texture or burning them.

I can't sing the praises of these enough.  And if eating twelve doughnuts yourself isn't your thing, they are great for special occasions.  Maybe you have some house guests, or a have just had a slumber party with a cute boy.  These are great because you make the dough the night before, then just roll and cut in the AM.  Let them proof while you make a fresh pot of coffee and read the paper.  You will impress everyone you make these for. 

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