
Bicycle Love

So as much as I love to talk about Birchbox and my constant need to be eating sugar... these next few months of posting are going to be bicycle heavy.

You see, a few years ago I was creeping around on facebook when I saw that an old high school friend of mine was planning on biking across the country with this organization called Bike & Build.  I believe it was my senior year of college.  At the time I was too preoccupied with graduating, finding a job and all that stuff that seems so great.  I bookmarked the site and moved along with my life.  For the most part.

Oh my gosh I would give anything to go back in time and tell myself to relax.  Working is overrated.  At least what I was doing at the time.  But I digress.  Fast forward about 5 years and I am about to meet the age limitations of leading a trip (yikes)!!!!  I had no choice but to apply and hope that they would let me lead some college students across the US on bicycles.  

I wouldn't describe myself as the world's most enthusiastic bicycle rider.  I ride my bike mostly because driving is the worst and I'm terrible at it.  And I can't say I knew too much about their Affordable Housing mission when I applied.  I've never been on a build (I did build fences in high school!) or really worked with Habitat for Humanity. But I want to see my country.  And not just the highlights like New York City, or DisneyWorld, but the whole fucking thing.  And that's what makes this trip so special.

Despite all my shortcoming as a leader, those dummies hired me. Next week I will dip the wheel of my bike in the Atlantic Ocean and ride it to the Pacific.   Eleven states and one provence (Hi Canada!  I love you!)!  I'm going to see it all, urban, suburban... podunk.  Poor, rich, and in between.  I'm going to learn so much.  I can't wait.

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